Go Green Catalog Canceling Initiative

Catalog Canceling Initiative to GO GREEN!

Go Green!

My elementary school is doing this via our Social Action Committee but I wanted to share with everyone in Newton and invite you all to Go GREEN!

Go Green Catalog Canceling Initiative

As the holiday season is upon us, most households begin to receive an abundance of unwanted sales catalogs.

Over 19 billion catalogs are mailed per year in the USA, using:

  • 53 million trees
  • 3 billion gallons of water
  • Enough energy to supply 1.2 million homes annually
  • CO2 emissions equal to 2 million cars annually

The production of catalogs consumes a vast amount of our planet’s precious resources, and 98% of these catalogs do not even generate sales.

How does the initiative work?

1. Collect catalogs that you want to cancel.

2. Cancel the catalogs by:

  • calling the 1800 number on the back, or
  • use the website www.catalogchoice.org where you can cancel many at one time or
  • download the following app  https://www.paperkarma.com/  to scan and cancel

3. Go online at Catalog Canceling Drive and submit the total number of catalogs you and your child have cancelled.  Deadline to enter isJanuary 15th

4. SAVE and SEND the catalogs in with your child on the morning of January 16th (the day of the January Town Meeting).

Please have you child/children help in as much of this process as possible.
The classrooms that have cancelled the most catalogs will win a prize.  In addition, to help the children understand the impact of this initiative, each child will have the chance to go onto the stage to add their catalogs to the stack of cancelled catalogs.

For more information and videos about this challenge, click on the following link.  http://blogs.parkschoolcommunity.net/ted_wells/

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