Funnel Ball playground equipment game like basketball Newton ILoveNewton Peirce Elementary School

New Funnel Playground Toy at Peirce Elementary: Temple and Dartmouth Street

Funnel Ball playground equipment game like basketball Newton ILoveNewton Peirce Elementary SchoolThis new Funnel Ball makes shooting baskets much easier. You just aim for the big funnel at the top. This was the Class Gift from Peirce’s Class of 2011 5th Graders and was recently installed.

The next time you drive by the 4-square courts along Temple Street take a look … it’s the tall blue pole with a red bucket sitting on top. Balls are tossed into the large hole on top and then they exit through 1 of 3 different holes. It should offer added fun to the playground for many years to come. Bring your 4 square ball!
Peirce Elementary School is located at 170 Temple Street in West Newton.
Thank you again to Peirce’s Graduating Class of 2011!
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2 Responses to “New Funnel Playground Toy at Peirce Elementary: Temple and Dartmouth Street”
  1. Ryan says:

    Where did you purchase this funnel ball net? We’ve been looking for one for our school.


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