GIVEAWAY AND DISCOUNT: Newton Face Painter Extraordinaire Marisol Santana and GIVEAWAY for Zeebree Crayons
Congrats to Ina. She won the Cupcake Crayons!
Check out these extraordinary faces painted by Newton Elementary School Special Education Aide and an Afterschool Teacher Marisol Santana! She really has fanciful creations and is available for birthday parties or events! She can be reached at marisol (at) zeebree (dot) com . She is offering a discount of $25 off any face painting party of 2 hours or more if you mention this post.
In addition, she also has a recycled crayon business and she is giving away a set of 6 Cupcake Zeebree crayons. To win, please leave a comment.
p.s. Yes! These are all crayons! You can actually color with them!!!
p.p.s. She is always looking for large crayon donations to repurpose into these cool crayons. If you have a crayon donation, please email her or leave a comment and she will pick up herself.

Contest Entry
Win Crayons
To Ina,
You are entered to win!
I’d love to win those crayons if it’s not too late! 🙂
To Melissa,
You are entered to win the cute cupcake crayons!
Hello my name is Regina Miranda and I am a Face Painter and Airbrush Artist right here in Newton Ma. You can find me on Gig Salad and Thumbtack. You may also follow me on Pinterest! I love to give back so If I can volunteer at a Newton Event please contact me at (617) 982-4453
Hi Regina,
Thanks so much for your info!
Thank you!!!