GIVEAWAY: Newton’s New Philharmonia Orchestra and 5 Family Tickets to Family or Classics Concert! Exciting UPDATE!

Anna Larsen Newton New Philharmonia Orchestra ILoveNewton

Thank you to everyone who left a comment. Exciting News!!! EVERYONE WHO LEFT A COMMENT WINS! HI Mia – Thanks SO very much for all the concert hype, we truly appreciate it. I just noticed that 14 people have commented on the story so far. Originally we said we’d like to giveaway 5 Family Tickets […]

GIVEAWAY AND DISCOUNT: Newton Face Painter Extraordinaire Marisol Santana and GIVEAWAY for Zeebree Crayons

crayons shaped like cupcakes ILoveNewton Newton MA Facepainter facepainting

Congrats to Ina. She won the Cupcake Crayons! ——————– Check out these extraordinary faces painted by Newton Elementary School  Special Education Aide and an Afterschool Teacher Marisol Santana! She really has fanciful creations and is available for birthday parties or events! She can be reached at marisol (at) zeebree (dot) com . She is offering a discount […]

Shaws GIVEAWAY: Fuel for Young Athletes with Kid Friendly Main Dishes Brochure

Shaws Fuel for Young Athletes ILoveNewton I Love Newton MA

I received a small stack of very helpful brochures from Shaws’ Dietician, Jennifer Shea. It includes tips of what and when to eat during intense training and competition to maximize performance. image from Money Saving Maineac I am posting part of the brochure here, but just leave me a comment with your mailing address if […]

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