How to Coach Girls by Mia Wenjen and Alison Foley

Cover Reveal of HOW TO COACH GIRLS and 2 Chapter Giveaway!

We are thrilled to reveal the cover of How To Coach Girls!

Volunteer parents and experienced coaches alike will find invaluable advice on creating a successful team that motivates girls to stay in sports beyond the middle school years. Twenty-two chapters cover major issues, including how to pick captains, the importance of growth mindset, issues around body image and puberty, as well as the challenges of coaching your own daughter.

In addition, fifteen professional coaches from a range of sports, including former Olympian athletes, give their advice on what girls need from a coach to allow them to flourish in sports, and most importantly, have fun.

2 Chapter GIVEAWAY of How To Coach Girls

We am giving away two chapters of How To Coach Girls. You can download it here.



How To Coach Girls comes out March 1, 2018, but it’s available for pre-order HERE! Thank you so much for your support!

To learn more, please check out How To Coach Girls websiteInstagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

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