Setti Warren, Newton Override

Preventing Domestic Violence in Newton

Dear Resident,
I hope you will attend an important event to signal our commitment to preventing domestic violence in Newton.
On Wednesday, March 2nd at 6:00pm, I am co-hosting White Ribbon Day at City Hall along with The Second Step, a Newton-based non-profit dedicated to fostering the safety, stability, and well-being of survivors of domestic violence. We are also pleased to welcome Middlesex County Sheriff Peter Koutoujian as our guest speaker.

The event is titled “White Ribbon Day,” an opportunity to show our commitment to preventing domestic violence in Newton and beyond.
We invite all residents to join city and community leaders from Newton and surrounding communities to learn what men can do to change norms around gender-based violence, and take the pledge to be part of the solution in ending violence against women.
To learn more about The Second Step and White Ribbon Day, please visit
Thank you, and I hope to see you onWednesday, March 2nd at 6:00pm at Newton City Hall.
Setti D. Warren
City of Newton, MA
Setti Warren, Newton Override
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