NNHS “Report Card”

Newton North High School

Henry J. Turner                                                                                                                                      
office: 617-559-6200
fax: 617-559-6204                                                                            
December 2016
Dear Parents or Guardians,

We are pleased to enclose a 2-page overview of our school’s “report card”. Report cards answer important questions about a school’s overall performance and contain specific information about student enrollment and teacher qualifications, student achievement, accountability, how a school is performing relative to other schools in the district and the state, and the progress made toward narrowing proficiency gaps for different groups of students.

The 2016 complete school report card for Newton North can be accessed through this link http://bit.ly/2hja2wu.

.In this report you will find the following important information about our school:

Student enrollment and teacher quality: This section of the report card provides information about the students and teachers in our school as compared to the district and the state

Assessment results: This section of the report shows how our students are performing on the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) assessments as compared to the district and the state.

School and district accountability information: This section of the report contains three important pieces of information:

  • Accountability and Assistance Levels: Schools and districts are placed into one of five accountability and assistance levels (1-5), with the highest performing in Level 1 and lowest performing in Level 5. Our school has been placed into Level 1 because we met our proficiency gap narrowing targets for all students and for high needs students.
  • School Percentiles: A school percentile between 1 and 99 is reported for most schools. This number shows the overall performance of our school relative to other schools that serve the same or similar grades. Our school percentile is 87. This means that our school is performing higher than 87 percent of the high schools in the state.
  • Progress and Performance Index (PPI): The PPI is a number that indicates our school’s progress toward narrowing proficiency gaps, or, in other words, helping all students reach proficiency and be prepared for success after high school. Massachusetts has set a goal of reducing proficiency gaps by half between the years 2011 and 2017. For a group of students to be considered to be making sufficient progress toward narrowing proficiency gaps, its cumulative PPI must be 75 or higher.

We encourage you to become involved in helping us improve our school. Some of the ways you can become involved are:

  • Encouraging your child’s learning at home
  • Attending parent-teacher meetings and other special meetings
  • Serving as a volunteer in our school or district
  • Encouraging other parents to become involved

Newton’s district overview and complete report card can be viewed through each of the links below as well as  on the district website. Print copies can be viewed at the Superintendent’s office, Newton City Hall, or the Newton Main Library.



For more information about our school’s report card, please feel free to contact us at 617-699-6200.


Henry J. Turner, Ed.D.


NNHS School Report Card Overview


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