Chinese Historical Society of New England Events
SAVE THE DATE! – CHSNE Annual Meeting & Dinner
Wednesday, September 24, 2014, 6:00 pm
China Pearl, 9 Tyler Street, Boston
Boston Dragon Boat Festival/Sojourner Award
Celebrating 35 years of promoting and sharing a Chinese tradition on the Charles River, across New England and beyond.
John Kuo Wei (Jack) Tchen/Guest Speaker
Co-founder and senior historian at the Museum of Chinese in America. Founding director of Asian/Pacific/American Studies Program and Institute at NYU. Co-author/editor of Yellow Peril!: An Archive of Anti-Asian Fear (2014).
Invitations will be mailed this week! Please contact the office if you do not receive yours –, (617)338-4339
Seeking CHSNE Board of Directors
Are you or do you know someone who would be interested in helping further the mission of CHSNE to document, promote and preserve the legacy of Chinese in the New England area? CHSNE is seeking nominations for the Board of Directors. The commitment is one board meeting a month and participation on a committee (website, archive/collections, development, walking tours, publications, educational resources).
We appreciate your interest and nominations. We are especially seeking candidates with experience in accounting, publishing design (print or web), and development/fundraising. Please submit applications/nominations—statement of interest and resume—by August 25th
Current board members include: Carmen Chan, Peter Kin Lap Chan, David Chang, Thomas Chin, Sherry Dong, Stephanie Fan, Heather Lee, Shauna Lo, Manyee Tang, Wing-Kai To, Allan Tow and Joseph Yeung.
Chinese Laundries in Massachusetts Oral History Project
The Institute for Asian American Studies (IAAS), in partnership with CHSNE has been interviewing Chinese Americans who owned, or whose parents owned, a laundry in Massachusetts. View the collection of interviews here.
Share your story! – Chinese American: Inclusion/Exclusion
The Chinese experience in America has too rarely been told as a story at the center of American history until now, with the New-York Historical Society’s landmark exhibition Chinese American: Exclusion/Inclusion, on view September 26, 2014 through April 19, 2015. Share your story (for possible inclusion!) and view other’s posts here.
Sunday, August 10: Boston Chinatown
Sunday, August 17: Quincy Center