FA Day Principal Search

FA Day Principal Search

Update on Principal Search Process: Ways to Be Involved

Superintendent David Fleishman joined us last month to talk about the upcoming principal search process.  The School Department seeks parental input in a few different ways:

1) Complete the online survey about F.A. Day school
2) Apply to be considered for the Selection Advisory Committee (see below)
3) Meet finalists at F.A. Day school visits on February 9 & 10, 2017 (Note: you do not have to be on the Selection Advisory Committee to be part of the finalist visits.)

To be considered for the Selection Advisory Committee (SAC):

The F.A. Day PTO Board will select two F.A. Day parents/guardians for the SAC on the basis of on several factors, including a well-balanced representation across different constituencies at F.A. Day.  Interested parent/guardians should visit HERE to learn more about the SAC and fill out an online form if interested in serving.

Note that the deadline for applying to participate on the SAC is Wednesday, December 14th at 5:00 pm.    

Please know that there are ways to be involved in the process should you not be able to serve on the SAC.  Questions about the principal selection process?  Contact Dana Hanson.

FA Day Principal Search


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