Fundraiser for Family Equality
Please join us for a cocktail reception at our home, and help us in our effort to end discrimination against LGBT families in this country.
Fundraiser for Family Equality
Saturday, June 21 – 6:00–8:00 p.m.
2 Langley Rd.
Arlington, MA
All donations are tax deductible and will support the Family Equality Council. As gay parents, Tom and I are particularly interested in the work Family Equality Council is doing to end discrimination against LGBT people who are seeking to adopt children. With more than 104,000 children in the foster care system and eligible for adoption, some states and agencies continue to discriminate against LGBT people, who would make good parents, denying these children the chance for a safe, happy, and permanent home. Currently the organization is working to make the Every Child Deserves a Family Act a federal law in order to stop states and agencies from discriminating against LGBT families. The Council is also advancing adoption bills in Virginia, Utah, and Minnesota, states that currently make adoption by LGBT families illegal. For 30 years, Family Equality Council has connected, supported, and represented a community of LGBT families across the country. You can find out more about the Family Equality Council at
In the coming weeks, you’ll receive a separate e-mail invitation from Family Equality Council as well. To RSVP, please go
Mark & Tom