Hire NNHS science team member and help a future scientist
Do you have an odd job? Hire a science team member and help a future scientist
Members of the The Newton North science team (Naturally Selected and Intelligently Designed) are raising money by doing household jobs such as leaf raking and wallpaper removal.
is looking to do small jobs to raise money for the team. We have the manpower for a range of household tasks: leaf raking, snow shoveling, wall painting, wallpaper removal, and in the past we have even catered for a bar mitzvah. Our hours are fairly flexible (just not school hours), and our prices are negotiable.
The money raised supports the team by offsetting expenses including registration fees, textbooks and materials for “build-ahead” events. For example, we must pay for all tools and materials that are used for the Science Olympiad competition, including (but not limited to): carbon fiber, wood, metal, saws, drills, screws, etc.
The final cost for one academic year for Olympiad alone is usually between $2000 and $3000.