Newton Serves at Day Middle School
Newton Serves At Day: Sunday, May 1st, 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Please come and help with the NewtonServes project at Day. Projects will include landscaping, interior painting, window washing, and cleaning and exterior clean-up. You can help for the entire time or for just an hour or two. Rain or shine, we will be working.
SIGN UP TO VOLUNTEER (http://www.newtoncommunitypri
(or just show up on 5/1 and register then–although we can’t guarantee you’ll get a free t-shirt if you don’t sign up ahead of time)
If you have questions about the event or have ideas for projects we should try to tackle, please contact: Bill Hoch or Jessica Avery.
If you can, bring: a rake, shovels, wheelbarrows, gloves, tarps, paint brushes, and drop cloths. If you can’t help out that day, send in doughnuts, water, coffee, fruit, or cookies to fuel the volunteers!