Shannon Gargaro

Nonantum Boxers Spar to Raise Money

Nonantum Boxing Club held an exhibition sparring event a few weeks ago to raise money to send three boxers to a competition in California held this week. Children, men and women sparred and here are a few highlights. More sparring matches can be viewed here on YouTube.

Good luck to Joey, Amanda and Julie who are competing in California this week.

Joey Meuse, one of the Nonantum Boxing Club’s fighters going to California spars Pepe Deluca of Cyr-Farrell. This is Round 2. Joey is in white.

Nonantum Boxing Club sparring matches

Boxing is not just for the young and spry! Bill Weeks of Nonantum Boxing Club spars Doug Glazier of Ashland PAL. Bill is 65-years-old! This is Round 1. Bill is in green shorts with blue headgear.

Nonantum Boxing Club sparring matches

Shannon Gargaro puts in an impressive inaugural match against Karen Areyzaga from Quietman. This is Round 2 of 3. Shannon is in pink.

Shannon Gargaro

Felicia O’Brien from Nonantum Boxing Club versus Alicia Moulton from Boston Boxing. Round 1. Felicia has white headgear.

Felicia O'Brien boxer

Nonantum Boxing Club sparring matches

Finally, here is Round 2 with Mike Campanella from Nonantum Boxing Club versus Henry Ung from Harvard. Mike is wearing red.

Mike Campanella

Kate Durgin of Nonatum Boxing Club versus Jenn Chan of Boston Boxing. Kate is in black.

Gabriel Pineda from Nonatum Boxing Club versus John Bejar of Quietman. Round 3 of 3. Gabriel is in red.

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