Public Workshop On Traffic Signal Improvements In Auburndale

Public Workshop On Traffic Signal Improvements In Auburndale

Public Workshop On Traffic Signal Improvements In Auburndale

Public Workshop On Traffic Signal Improvements In Auburndale

Date: March 12, 2015 at 7:00 PM

Location: City Hall – Aldermanic Chambers

The City has initiated a project to implement specific transportation and traffic improvements in the Village of Auburndale.  Although the primary goal of this project is to upgrade traffic signals at key intersections, it may be necessary to incorporate specific geometric improvements at intersections and driveways in order to improve overall vehicular and pedestrian safety.

Specific improvements may include traffic signal upgrades at the intersection of Commonwealth Avenue and Lexington Street, Commonwealth Avenue and Melrose Street, Lexington Street and Wolcott Street; new traffic signals at the intersection of Lexington Street and Auburndale Avenue; geometric improvements at the intersection of Commonwealth Avenue and Lexington Street; installation of new granite curb, minor stormwater improvements, driveway and sidewalk reconstruction and other miscellaneous items of work.

The City is eager to engage the community and present the project as part of a public workshop scheduled to be held at City Hall in the Aldermanic Chambers on March 12, 2015 beginning at 7:00 PM.  This will be a chance to make comments and suggestions to City staff.


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