Classes at Waban Library: Yoga for Adults, Music and Dance for Kids!

Waban Library Center Newton I Love Newton ILoveNewton classes

Morning Adult Yoga Classes Tuesday and/or Thursday mornings from 8:50 am-10 am for 10 Tuesdays/Thursdays.Cost will be $150 for a 10-week session. Sign up for both, Tuesday and Thursday classes, you will receive a 10% discount.  ($270 for both Tues/Thurs). Drop ins are welcome at $18 per class. Classes go for 10 Tues/Thurs starting January 3/5 – […]

A Fairly Comprehensive List of Dance Studios for Adults and Kids in Newton

dance schools Newton MA

My girls were not dancers, alas, but we did try it out at Boston Ballet School both in Newton and Boston, and I even have one of them taking Hip Hop at Joanne Langione Dance Center. Through the years, we’ve also attended really excellent dance parties at All That Jazz and The Dance Academy. How […]

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