Classes at Waban Library: Yoga for Adults, Music and Dance for Kids!

Waban Library Center Newton I Love Newton ILoveNewton classes

Morning Adult Yoga Classes Tuesday and/or Thursday mornings from 8:50 am-10 am for 10 Tuesdays/Thursdays.Cost will be $150 for a 10-week session. Sign up for both, Tuesday and Thursday classes, you will receive a 10% discount.  ($270 for both Tues/Thurs). Drop ins are welcome at $18 per class. Classes go for 10 Tues/Thurs starting January 3/5 – […]

The Freedman Center for Child and Family Development (formerly Warmlines): A Great Resource for Parents

Navigating the Rocky Road of Adolescence Free Newton Freedman Center I Love Newton MA

The Richard I. and Joan L. Freedman Center for Child and Family Development (formerly Warmlines) was established at The Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology (MSPP) to help connect children and families with appropriate information, providers, resources, and one another to serve their mental health and wellness needs. Are you familiar with their great programs for families including playgroups, adult/child music classes, parent support groups, and parenting classes? Check them out!

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