Best Tutors, Private Coaches, Music Teachers etc.

Dan Ascadi Guitar teacher Nonantum Newton Boston ILoveNewton I Love Newton best

I hate to tell you how many tutors I hire for my 3 kids. It’s a little embarrassing because it’s quite a lot but I do use tutors to teach my kids things that I can not and/or to help them when they don’t want my help. I am known to do a long, investigative […]

A Fairly Comprehensive List of Dance Studios for Adults and Kids in Newton

dance schools Newton MA

My girls were not dancers, alas, but we did try it out at Boston Ballet School both in Newton and Boston, and I even have one of them taking Hip Hop at Joanne Langione Dance Center. Through the years, we’ve also attended really excellent dance parties at All That Jazz and The Dance Academy. How […]

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