Just Think: Teens Making Smart Choices expo

Just Think: Teens Making Smart Choices expo at NNHS

Want your teen to be a safer pedestrian, biker, and driver?

Looking for ways to encourage your teen’s positive self image?

Wondering what resources Newton offers for teens and families?

Just Think: Teens Making Smart Choices expo
ALL parents/guardians and teens are invited to the
Just Think: Teens Making Smart Choices expo
Thursday, January 22
5:00 to 7:30 p.m. 

Newton North High School
  • Discover community resources promoting positive decision making for teens
  • Enjoy refreshments and student performances as you browse the exhibits
  • The first 50 teens who bring a parent will receive a treat bag
  • Raffle grand prize: iPad mini
  • “American Ninja Warrior” live demo!
This expo coincides with Junior Parent Night; parents/guardians of juniors are asked to come early to explore the expo.
Walnut and Lowell Street lots and Hull Street will be available for parking. Please observe neighborhood signs and restrictions.
To learn more go to www.NorthPTSO.org.Say you’re coming and invite friends at https://www.facebook.com/events/742044892543333/

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