Birthday Wishes Lexington MA

Volunteers and Toys Needed for Birthday Wishes

 Birthday Wishes is pleased to announce the opening of our new Birthday-in-a-Box office in Lexington, MA, on the campus of the Cotting School. We are delighted that our long-time volunteer and Party Coordinator, Mary Heveran, will serve as our new Birthday-in-a-Box Program Manager. Welcome Mary!
For the past several years, we have experienced significant growth in our Birthday Box program, which now provides more than 150 boxes per month state-wide to homeless children. The program was created in 2005 for those children living in domestic violence shelters, scattered sites, hotels, and other locations which cannot accommodate Birthday Wishes volunteers. It allows Birthday Wishes to reach homeless children in almost any living situation. Moving this program to a separate facility will greatly increase our capacity to meet the growing needs of this program, while offering improved efficiency and oversight.

Birthday Wishes Lexington MA
The Lexington office needs volunteers and toys:
  • Office volunteers to assemble Birthday Boxes, pull and wrap birthday gifts, inventory donations and deliver Birthday Boxes.
  • Brand new toys (in original, unopened packaging) for children of all ages, as well as Target, Old Navy, TJMaxx and Marshalls gift cards for our teens.
If you would like to donate or volunteer, please contact Mary Heveran at or866-388-9474 x12.


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