Setti Warren, Newton Override

Making Newton a More Sustainable Community

Dear Resident, 

The City of Newton has a tradition of leadership on the environment. Last year we upgraded over 8000 street lights with high-efficiency LED bulbs, which will lower our lighting costs by 60%, save the city between $2 million and $3 million and reduce carbon pollution by hundreds of tons over the next 10 years.  We can dramatically multiply these benefits by encouraging each other to make our homes more energy efficient.

Please read this informative first-person account of how home energy efficiency saves money and the environment from Andy Levin, the Editor in Chief of the Newton Tab.  

I had a home energy assessment; Andy Levin will have one later this summer; and I urge you to take this important step soon – for your family and for our community.  Newton homeowners who make the recommended energy improvements save, on average, between $700-$1,000 a year.  Subsidies from MassSave reduce the out-of pocket cost to approximately $650.
You can sign up for your free energy assessmenthere.  With your help we can reach our goal of reducing energy consumption in Newton 20% by 2020.
If you have any questions about this program, or about Newton’s efforts to become more sustainable, please contact Andrew Savitz, Newton’s Director of Sustainability

Setti D. Warren


City of Newton, MA

Setti Warren, Newton Override

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