Walk for MS

Walk for MS

Walk for MSYou Can Make a Difference by Registering for Walk MS!

Boston, MA

April 12, 2015

Natick, MA

May 16, 2015

Concord, MA

April 12, 2015

Walk MS connects people living with MS and those who care about them, giving hope to the more than 2.3 million people living with MS worldwide. Walk MS fundraising fuels the progress that people affected by MS need and deserve. In large part because of Walk MS participants:

  • The National MS Society is recognized as the catalyst for ALL major advancements in MS — we discovered and drove nerve and myelin repair in MS research.
  • We continue to pave the way for MS treatments, none of which existed 20 years ago, and have provided early career support and funding to nearly every thought leader in MS.
  • Every person affected by MS, including their families and loved ones, can connect 24/7 to the most comprehensive and reliable MS information and resources available.

When you participate in Walk MS, you are changing the world for people affected by MS!

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