concussion seminar, concussion, parents

Concussion Facts and Myths – What Parents Need to Know (Free Seminar)

concussion seminar, concussion, parents

March 22, 7:00 – 8:30 pm

Williams Elementary School, 141 Grove Street, Newton

Join Lauren Smith, MD, MPH, medical director for the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, who will present up-to-date information about concussions among young athletes and discuss what parents and athletes can do to improve recovery and reduce the likelihood of long term problems. She will also review the rules on sports-related head injuries in public schools in Massachusetts. Targeted for all parents and coaches.

No registration required. Co-sponsored by the Newton PTO Council, Williams PTO and The Newton Partnership.

Warning: Do not park in the Lasell College parking lot. They ticket and tow.


Dr. Lauren A. Smith is the Medical Director of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health where she works closely with the Commissioner to establish and implement departmental priorities. She is an Associate Professor at the Boston University School of Medicine. She serves as a pediatric hospitalist at Boston Medical Center where she was the Medical Director of the Pediatric Inpatient Unit for 4 years.

Dr. Smith’s research career has focused on the implication of public polices for child health and childhood health disparities. She has authored two recent reports on the impact of affordable housingand energy costs on child health and well being as examples of the effects of public policy on health. She recently served as a W.T. Grant Health Policy Fellow in the office of House Speaker Salvatore DiMasi and as a member of the Massachusetts Commission to End Racial Disparities in Health.

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