Newton Girls Soccer: Referee Jobs for Girls in Grades 6-8

Newton Girls Soccer

Training Dates for NGS Prospective Intramural Soccer Referees   This message concerns training for those youth wishing to become new intramural referees.1.  Training consists of two parts: a 2-hour instructional clinic and an on-field observation session. Both parts must be completed if one wishes to become a referee:The first part, the instructional clinic, will be held: Wednesday, […]

Soccer Clinic for Girls Run by Boston Breakers and NGS

Boston Breakers, Newton Girls Soccer, April Clinic

NGS (Newton Girls’ Soccer)  is partnering with the Breakers to offer a 4-day clinic over April break!  The sessions will be run by current Breakers players and supervised by Breakers coaches and our own Director of Coaching, Gary Beatty.  Here are the details: Dates:             Tuesday, April 17 – Friday, April […]

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