Wellness Day – To Support Cancer Patients and Their Caregivers
Well Within Massage and Integrative Health is offering a FREE Wellness day to support cancer patients and their caregivers.
Sunday, March 18th from 10 am – 4 pm.
Deborah Hunter-Jones, LMT is providing 30 min Oncology Massage sessions
Brynn Kessler, Lic Ac is providing 60 min Acupunture sessions
Dina Abbondante, LMT and Yoga instructor, is providing 45 min yoga classes
Susan Altman, Holistic Health Coach, is providing 15 minute nutritional consultations.
This is open to any and all cancer patients and their caregivers.
Registration is required. All services must be booked ahead of time by calling 617-209-9355. Participants will be mailed a registration & health history form to be filled out and returned by March 14th.
We were approached by our dedicated staff member, Deborah Hunter Jones, who is passionate about caring for those living with cancer. It is her initiative that inspired us and the rest of our staff who are donating their time and services, to reach out to this population.
We will be offering a raffle prize of an integrated package, called Hope and Healing, designed to support individuals going through cancer treatments/ recovery. It will include a combination of our services with practitioners trained to work with oncology patients. Nutritious snacks will also be provided.
Well Within
697 Washington Street #202
Newton, MA 02458
(617) 209-9355
(617) 209-9355

A wonderful initiative.
To Property Management Pro,
I know! What a nice thing to do for cancer patients and their caregivers!!
If you’re a caregiver do check out Caring for an Elderly Parent
: LINK: http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=dn5c84cab&v=001SEg_mP6bgKT1dkeu6jWT3ykQSOE9U6LGIfrdR30dRt0HXQsZI_t_4Edm3t2A2dBUL5e9PXVztaXDLqWVcACwODnm8uAKC4PvPZEpjiDgMhSFW1OzHXSZrnch8paDTCVT
To Anna,
Thank you for this resource on Caring for an Elderly Parent!
You’re welcome. And thanks for the response. Caregiving is difficult and your comment feels very supportive. Thanks again. Anna
You are welcome Anna!
Hi All,
For about 11 years now I’ve been caregiving my 100 year old mother at home with the loving support of 5 caregivers, and over that time I’ve learned alot about how to do it. She’s got Altzheimers, is now blind and incontinent. I’m offering a workshop for caregivers in Newton MA. If you’re around May 12, 2012 9-noon please join me for some in person support, laughter and yoga and printed templates and resources to use if you think you might be doing this in the future.
LINK: http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=dn5c84cab&v=001SEg_mP6bgKT1dkeu6jWT3ykQSOE9U6LGIfrdR30dRt0HXQsZI_t_4Edm3t2A2dBUL5e9PXVztaXDLqWVcACwODnm8uAKC4PvPZEpjiDgMhSFW1OzHXSZrnch8paDTCVT
Kind Regards,
To Anna,
Thank you for this information. Sounds very helpful!