Teen Writing Contest

Writing Contest for Teens and Adults

Story Shares, a nonprofit organization devoted to inspiring reading practice and improving literacy skills, has launched its annual “Relevant Reads Story of the Year” writing contest. The call-for-entries began Aug. 23, 2016 and has a submission deadline of Dec. 31, 2016.

Teen Writing Contest

The contest is seeking submissions of books for young readers in a variety of genres including historical fiction, horror/suspense, fantasy and overall diversity. The contest also has a “For Teens by Teens” category and accepts submissions by youth (under the age of 18) who wish to contribute their unique voices to the organization’s growing library. Submissions can range in length from 1,000 to 10,000 words. Full details and submission guidelines area available at StoryShares.org/contest.

Like most writing contests, the Story Shares “Relevant Reads” contest offers cash prizes along with publication in both digital and print form. Awards range from $500 to $3,000. But unlike most writing contests, there is no submission fee and those who submit work to Story Shares will have a real opportunity to make a difference. The organization has established a broad network of readers across 44 states and 26 countries who are waiting for fresh content to consume. These readers use the stories in Story Shares library to improve literacy skills, either by themselves or with their teachers.

Writers will not only have a wide audience at their disposal, but even more importantly, their stories will become a part of the organization’s mission to change the literacy landscape for teens and young adults around the country (and the world) who struggle to read.

Story Shares works to empower and inspire struggling readers of all kinds, including English language learners, students with learning disabilities such as dyslexia, and students from low-income communities who have fallen behind in literacy skills and reading comprehension. The organization’s mission is truly a matter of changing an entire landscape.

More information about the “Relevant Reads Story of the Year” writing contest including contest guidelines, submission instructions and official contest rules are available at StoryShares.org/contest.

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