New! Jump N’ Slide in Newton

Jump and Slide

Jump N’ Slide, the newest entertainment destination for kids and families, is NOW OPEN in Newton, just outside of Boston! Jump N’ Slide is the perfect venue for a child’s birthday party or a group play date and caters to children of all ages, toddlers through teens! JUMP HALL is the largest of the various […]

Wondermore Event for Kids

Wondermore Event for Kids

Wondermore‘s first fundraising event of the year on October 18th from 2- 4 at the Arsenal Center for the Arts in Watertown. Acclaimed children’s author, Erin Dionne will host a workshop discussing how she created the mystery for her novel “ Moxie and the Art of Rule Breaking” and in addition the kids will solve  a fun […]

Rocky Horror Picture Show at the Mendon Twin Drive-In

Rocky Horror Picture Show at the Mendon Twin Drive-In

Rocky Horror Picture Show at the Mendon Twin Drive-In Live performance & movie screening at New England’s premier drive-in theatre WHAT:             As part of their ongoing “Horror October” celebration, the Mendon Twin Drive-In will set the stage for an unforgettable evening with The Rocky Horror Picture Show on Saturday. The Mendon Twin Drive-In will show […]

College Essay Writing Workshops

College Essay Writing Workshops

Newton Free Library: College Essay Writing Workshops   Saturdays, Sept. 26 and Oct. 24, 1:00 pm, Druker Auditorium Students, whether you accomplished a lot on your college essay over the summer or you’re still trying to decide what to write about when school begins next fall, these workshops are for you. Students will work in small groups […]

Win $500 Community Service Funding Awards

Win $500 Community Service Funding Awards

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) today announced the launch of its TakeAction campaign that targets middle and high school students living in areas with wildfire risks. The campaign highlights important information about wildfire risks to life and property. Through TakeAction, students can use educational resources to implement local grassroots community service projects that increase resident safety […]

Angino Fall 5K and Fun Day at West Suburban YMCA

Angino Fall 5K and Fun Day

Sunday, October 4, 2015 at the Y from 8:45 am – 12:00 pm When you participate in the Angino Fall 5K and Fun Day, you help us strengthen the community AND bring us closer to reaching our 2015 Annual Fund goal. We think of our donors as every day heroes because they help us empower […]

Best Club Soccer in Newton

Best Club Soccer in Newton

Do we think that because a child is playing competitive soccer at 8 and 9, it will equate into success at 17 and 18? In fact, the opposite is more likely to occur, as we are finding that there are a lot more kids dropping out of soccer because the pressure to succeed has been […]

Introduction to GNU/Linux for Teens

Introduction to GNU/Linux for Teens

Newton Free Library: Introduction to GNU/Linux for Teens Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2015 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM, 3rd Floor Rear Arc Come learn about GNU/Linux, a free platform and operating system! It runs and helps control everything from phones to the stock exchange and a panoply of devices and equipment in-between! The lecture will present […]

Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey® LEGENDS

Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey® Presents LEGENDS

Behold the living legends! In an all-new show, Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey® Presents LEGENDS unveils the unbelievable to Children Of All Ages™. Experience epic family fun as legendary circus artists from around the globe perform awe-inspiring feats of daring, spectacles of strength and thrills of wonder. The all-new show plays Verizon Wireless Arena […]

Bungee Blast Mini

Bungee Blast Mini

  It’s hard to say who had more fun with this toy, the Bungee Blast Mini foam pump rocket toy, my kids or my husband! The only downside was that the wings came off the rockets pretty quickly and I’m not sure how to fix them or get replacements.

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